The accepted format will be a DVD, USB or on behalf of digital platforms.
There will be admitted a maximum of 2 fiction short-films per contestant, released since January 2019 (included). It won’t be accepted documentary, either publicity shorts, institutional nor animation.
The lasting time could be a maximum of 20 minutes.
The subject is free.
All shorts have to be subtitled in Spanish or Catalan if they aren’t filmed in some of these two languages.
Copies must be sent before the 15th of May of 2020.
By ordinary mail at the following address:
Fundació Caixa Vinaròs
C/ Socors, 64
12500 Vinaròs
(to the attention of Nati Romeu)
tel.: 964 456 046
By e-mail to:
The copy will go with the inscription document attached, moreover:
· DNI photocopy or director’s identification document.
· Photography of some scene and promotional poster
All expenses of sending copies by ordinary mail will be in charge of the contestants. There won’t be any refund. The received copies will be destroyed at the end of the Festival.
The organization won’t be responsible for any damage that copies can suffer during transport.
Rights of exhibition and Jury:
The jury will choose among all the works received, in total 12 short films will be at the final and will have the chance to obtain the Public Prize and the Jury Prize.
It will be provided a list of finalists before the 5th of July of 2020.
Jury’s decision won’t be subject to appeal
The organization can use pictures from the short films for the promotion in media.
The screening will take place during the months of July and September 2020.
Public prize, sponsored by Vinaròs city hall:
1000 € and a Lukas Ulmi sculpture (*)
Jury prize sponsored by Fundació Caixa Vinaròs:
1000 € and a Lukas Ulmi sculpture (*)
(*) Unique piece
All short films related to the city of Vinaròs in any way can participate (filmed, performed, directed, musicalized, etc.)
In this case, all kinds of short films can participate fiction, documentaries, animation, etc. The only limitation is the running time which is 45’ maximum.
The inscription and sending of copies will be the same as those of the Public and Jury Prize. In this case, the deadline for sending copies will be the 30th of June 2020.
The prize, sponsored by Fundació Caixa Vinaròs, will be awarded by the Jury of the Festival and the prize amount will be 600 €.